Rejoicing in the colours of Spring, brown grasses turning golden and lining the corncrake’s new nest. Rudely fresh green grass takes over slopes and flat meadows. Robust leaves of Angelica poke from bare earth and make olive feather shapes. Bright pink buds of crab apple trees burst open with pale pink white flowers.
Homemade Harris Tweed trews, blossom blouse, Uist Wool Hebridean wool – Spring, warm and sunny today, cold, wild and windy the next. A permanent dragonfly on the chest of this Unfurled Bodice made as part of our dearheart KnitALong on Ravelry. The release of Ancestors Skirt and Ancestors Bodice.
The lengthening of days and the casting on of alpaca and cotton in pale pink. Dancing with the seasons colours, awakening to nature’s Springtime gifts, contemplating and reflecting and being part of it all.
Inner Wild wilderness wear for dearhearts knitting patterns first published on amazon The first Inner Wild knitting patterns, available on amazon since 2015, are: Wanderer Warmers, Seafoam Warmers, Unfurled Bodice, Stag Antler Warmers, Hebridean Neck Cuff, Ancestors Apron, Sweetheart Arm Warmers and for Outlander fans – The Celtic Mitts. But don’t download any of those Kindle ebooks. …
Being so close to my heart it was an honour and delight to create a new knitwear design for local mill, Uist Wool. The brief was to create a wrap and knitting pattern that would showcase the sublime, extra-long ombre gradient of an exclusive version of Uist Wool’s Astair laceweight yarn. And at the same …
BEFORE: Four yarns who might never meet one another come to Inner Wild and ask, ‘what will become of us?’. First, a flamboyant hand dyed pure merino frill yarn with orange pops like Chinese lantern plants. Next, a lilac and purple variated feather yarn, a mauve wool mix yarn and some pure burgundy merino DK. …
Spring: awakening with nature
Rejoicing in the colours of Spring, brown grasses turning golden and lining the corncrake’s new nest. Rudely fresh green grass takes over slopes and flat meadows. Robust leaves of Angelica poke from bare earth and make olive feather shapes. Bright pink buds of crab apple trees burst open with pale pink white flowers.
Homemade Harris Tweed trews, blossom blouse, Uist Wool Hebridean wool – Spring, warm and sunny today, cold, wild and windy the next. A permanent dragonfly on the chest of this Unfurled Bodice made as part of our dearheart KnitALong on Ravelry. The release of Ancestors Skirt and Ancestors Bodice.
The lengthening of days and the casting on of alpaca and cotton in pale pink. Dancing with the seasons colours, awakening to nature’s Springtime gifts, contemplating and reflecting and being part of it all.
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For the wild knitters: Inner Wild patterns
Inner Wild wilderness wear for dearhearts knitting patterns first published on amazon The first Inner Wild knitting patterns, available on amazon since 2015, are: Wanderer Warmers, Seafoam Warmers, Unfurled Bodice, Stag Antler Warmers, Hebridean Neck Cuff, Ancestors Apron, Sweetheart Arm Warmers and for Outlander fans – The Celtic Mitts. But don’t download any of those Kindle ebooks. …
Metamorphosis: Hecla Wrap design commission for Uist Wool
Being so close to my heart it was an honour and delight to create a new knitwear design for local mill, Uist Wool. The brief was to create a wrap and knitting pattern that would showcase the sublime, extra-long ombre gradient of an exclusive version of Uist Wool’s Astair laceweight yarn. And at the same …
Metamorphosis: Fiesta Whimsy Wrap
BEFORE: Four yarns who might never meet one another come to Inner Wild and ask, ‘what will become of us?’. First, a flamboyant hand dyed pure merino frill yarn with orange pops like Chinese lantern plants. Next, a lilac and purple variated feather yarn, a mauve wool mix yarn and some pure burgundy merino DK. …