Vibrant emerald green fades quickly to muted dusky brown. Our Hebridean sky becomes more complicated with squally clouds edged in black and orange-red speeding above us. The wind carries wild autumn seeds of Hogweed and Bishop’s Lace that will settle and sow themselves to flower next year. Goldfinches eat the last Self-Heal seeds and sparrows peck at Chickweed seeds as a sharp coldness in the air wraps around feather, skin and fur.
It is almost always windy here in the Outer Hebrides and we have few trees for protection. And now in the coolness of Autumn the wind is blowing harder so that everything is refreshed and made to tingle like our skin and glow brighter released from under the weight of things no longer needed. We …
All is on the wane here; the long grass falls dry and soft yellow, sunlight is dimmed in the morning, the wind is colder. At the same time the bramble berries are bursting with plump ripeness and the Rowan berries shine red in the twilight as crows squawk in delight at them. We fall into …
Honey mellow molten sunshine in the freshness of Autumn. Small bundles of windtorn heather still bloom, fading to lilac from bright purple. As-one-with-nature Inner Wild wilderness wear for dearhearts clockwise from top main: Mellow Yellow Handspun Wool Bodice & Stag Antler Fingerless Mitts Gathering Bodice Mega Mitts Honey Sun Mitts Moody and mystical feelings as …
Hush now, slip into a heart-warming Autumn
Vibrant emerald green fades quickly to muted dusky brown. Our Hebridean sky becomes more complicated with squally clouds edged in black and orange-red speeding above us. The wind carries wild autumn seeds of Hogweed and Bishop’s Lace that will settle and sow themselves to flower next year. Goldfinches eat the last Self-Heal seeds and sparrows peck at Chickweed seeds as a sharp coldness in the air wraps around feather, skin and fur.
Storm Dancer Warmers hand knitted gauntlets, eco one-of-a-kind in rare wool & alpaca Uist Wool yarn trimmed with handspun Angora goat mohair from Inner Widl Etsy Shop. You can make a similar pair yourself using the Inner Widl Stag Antler knitting pattern.
Bark Bodice (based on Unfurled Bodice knitting pattern) from Inner Wild Etsy Atelier (you can also buy knitting patterns from the Etsy shop if you prefer, as well as and
River in the Woods Gauntlets, luxe, soft, hand knitted fingerless gloves, elbow length, gorgeous colour gradient, asymmetrical shading from Inner Wild Etsy Atelier. These are based on the popular Inner Wild Wabi Sabi Gauntlets knitting pattern.
Wishing you a flaming fabulous Autumn/Fall 2024 full of heart-warming happiness and love – and handmade knitwear!
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