Summer feels on the wane and it has been beautiful. Still the sun shines bright and warm and the clover keeps on blooming. Skylarks tumble and dive, collared doves coo to one another, the calves are frisking about and the lambs are getting big. Sunshiney days of relishing the warm breeze and the salt air, the overgrown garden and the feel of treasured woollen handknits being created, being worn, being loved.
The summer tide ebbs and reveals to us a sea rock garden on the shore; bright greens, black-grey-blues and browns, creamy-coloured whelks and limpets, flowing, air-bubbled sea plants all holding firm to solid, massive, ancient gneiss. As-one-with-nature Inner Wild wilderness wear for dearhearts clockwise from top left: Freshwater Strappy Top, back Illustrator Cuffs Freshwater Strappy …
BEFORE: Scrumptious chalky pink super-soft 80% cotton and 20% alpaca Louisa Harding Colline yarn – you are so like a beautiful bundle of marshmallows in your skeins, what might become of you? You look very pretty with Noro Shiro wool, cashmere and silk … and yet, no. AFTER: You can stand alone. You can be …
Deer rush down from the mountains of Harris and the broad swathes of moorland drawn by the fresh, new growth of grass to soar over fences. And so it is with us humans. Deep inside we run with the deer; we too feel the machair sap rising and in the rhythm of the tide, the …
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Summer: dreams of vibrant wildflowers and handknit woollens
Summer feels on the wane and it has been beautiful. Still the sun shines bright and warm and the clover keeps on blooming. Skylarks tumble and dive, collared doves coo to one another, the calves are frisking about and the lambs are getting big. Sunshiney days of relishing the warm breeze and the salt air, the overgrown garden and the feel of treasured woollen handknits being created, being worn, being loved.
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Deer rush down from the mountains of Harris and the broad swathes of moorland drawn by the fresh, new growth of grass to soar over fences. And so it is with us humans. Deep inside we run with the deer; we too feel the machair sap rising and in the rhythm of the tide, the …